by Lene Auestad
2022 Achille Mbembe, Nekropolitikk og andre essays (Achille Mbembe, Necropolitics and other essays)
2022 NESH, Guidelines for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities
2021 Sara Ahmed, Gledesdrepende essays (Sara Ahmed, Killjoy Essays)
2021 Vite, være, gjøre. Exphil lærebok med originaltekster Herman Cappelen, Ingvild Thorsen og Sebastian Watzl
2020 Ways of Seeing – theatre play, Black Box Theatre
2019 The Theory and Practice of Psychoanalytic Therapy: Listening for the Subtext, Siri Erika Gullestad and Bjørn Killingmo (Underteksten. Psykoanalytisk terapi i praksis)
2017 Hannah Arendt, Makt og vold. Tre essay (Hannah Arendt, Power and Violence. Three essays)