Lectures, panels, dialogues, conversations, seminars…


Nov. 24th Om Afghanske kvinner – Stemmen i stillhet, Deichman Bjørvika. Violence against women and Afghanistan – Link

Oct. 24th Fluktfestivalen, Litteraturhuset. Om boken Rasisme, Eksklusjon, Mangfold.

Oct. 15th Film, The Recovery Channel by Ellen Ugelstad – Hannah Arendt om håp i mørke tider – Link

Oct. 14th Sakprosafestivalen, NFFO, Litteraturhuset. Panel on Hannah Arendt and on tranlsating Arendt

Sept. 30th-Oct. 1st Psychoanalysis and the Public Sphere conference, Authoritarianism in all in its guises, Left, Right and Centre

June 28th Affects, Groups, and Illusions: Freud’s Group Psychology essay as foreshadowing fascism in the Psychoanalysis and Politics digital series Crises and Transmission – Link

May 27th-28th Psychoanalysis and Politics conference, Revolutions and Revolts, Norwegian Psychoanalytical Society – Link

Jan. 28th Eksistenspodden. Podcast med Erling Bjerrum, Oslo


Oct. 30th Appell, holdt på markeringen Ingen nazister i våre gater, Eidsvolls plass, Oslo

Sept. 24th-25th Panel, Psychoanalysis and the Public Sphere – Politics of Identity, conference by the Freud Museum, London and Free Associations Journal – Link

Sept. 2nd-3rd Psykoanalyse og samfunn, Seminar for kandidater, Norsk Psykoanalytisk Forening/ Psychoanalysis and Society, Course for candidates, Norwegian Psychoanalytic Society – Link

June 10th-11th Panel, Thoughts for the Times of Groups and Masses, conference by the Freud Museum, Vienna – Link

June 3rd-5th Psychoanalysis and Politics conference, Fascist Imaginaries, Berlin Psychoanalytical Institute – Link

April 23rd World Book Day. Verdens bokdag – oversettere leser fra verdenslitteraturen på norsk. Stensparken kafe, Oslo – Link

March 15th En hvithetens fenomenologi, Samtale mellom Lene Auestad, Harmeet Kaur og Grace Tabea Tenga,  Litteratur på Blå – Link


Nov. 20th Høstkonferens Svenska Psykoanalytiska Foreningen, Stockholm/ Autumn conference, Swedish Psychoanalytic Association, Stockholm Speakers: Lene Auestad, Siv Boalt Boëtius, Maria Fitger. Lecture title: To Think or Not to Think: Arendt and Bion on Totalitarian Structures and Freedom of Thought. Conference title: The totalitarian within us human beings.


Aug. 1st-4th XX IAGP Congress: Rising Tides of Challenge and Hope: Healing Identity, in Society, Groups and Individuals, Malmö, Sweden. Lecture title: Re-membering and Resisting: Gender in Darkening Times. Reflections on the  20th  IAGP Congress by Esmina Avdibegović


May 29th-30th Ecole Belge de Psychanalyse/Belgishe School vor Psychoanalyse, Brussels: Conference: Psychoanalyse in bewogen tijden, Psychoanalyse in beweging/La psychanalyse en des temps mouvementés, La psychanalyse en mouvement. Speakers: François Ansermet: Psychoanalysis and science, Siri Hustvedt: Psychoanalysis and art, Lene Auestad: Psychoanalysis and Politics, Albert Ciccone: Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy.


Nov. 15th The Roots of Prejudice: Philosophy and Psychoanalysis. Freud Museum, London. Speakers: Lene Auestad: Prejudice as Socially Unconscious, Brian Klug: The Logic of an Illusion, Farhad Dalal: Prejudice as Ideology: The creation of ‘Us’ and ‘Them’ groups in society – and psychoanalysis,  Aisha Abbasi: Prejudice in the Analytic Setting: From the Socio-political Sphere to the Intra-psychic Domain.


This page was created in 2022, and only includes a selection of earlier events.

For Psychoanalysis and Politics conferences and seminars see the webpage: www.psa-pol.org